May 28, 2013

Kuah Semangkuk Pakai Sudu Besar Kawah (?)

Bila kita compare kan dua benda ikut suka hati.

Yang satu, kita banyak sebut pasal kebaikan dia. Betapa banyak dia tolong. Dia Berjasa. Dia bagi hadiah. Dia itu. Dia ini.

Yang lagi satu pulak, kita kutuk sehabis-habisan. Pemusnah masyarakat. Penghasut. Penggatal tak tentu hala. Bahkan kalau dia makan nasi goreng pakai sudu pun, mereka mengata.

Banyak sebenarnya benda ni sekarang. Kalau gua nak listkan, baru sampai sejuta, sejuta lagi dah bertambah. Dari bisnes ke ekonomi, ke keluarga, ke politik bahkan agama.

Sedangkan kita bila dapat berita yang baik, kita sokong. Berita yang buruk, kita tolak. Tapi dua-dua kena periksa dulu.

Ini tidak. Yang wajib jadi sunat, haram jadi wajib, makruh jadi harus, sunat jadi haram (bida'ah?). Sungguh, orang ajak pergi majlis ilmu, engko tak mahu. Tapi bila tegur sikit, pandai pulak engkorang nak pompangpompang cakap itu betul, ini salah. Apa rujukan korang? Ustaz Facebook? Ulama' Google? Majlis Syura Twitter?

Ok, emosi sikit di situ.

Tak salah kalau kita nak belajar dari Internet. Tapi pandai-pandailah cari cikgu/ustaz/ustazah/alim ulama' buat rujukan.

Plus, jom baca doa!

Atas pernikahan Ustaz Azhar Idrus yang ketiga serta Saiful Bukhari. Semoga perkahwinan mereka membawa kepada keredhaan Ilahi.

Walaupun banyak pulak yang bising-bising pasal UAI kahwin no 3. Apa salah? Antara bising-bising tersebut:

Malas pulak nak cerita. Korang cari sendiri kat mana-mana.

Padahal tujuan gua nak taip ni mula-mula pun pasal benda ni.

Informasi salah, tak lengkap, berat sebelah dan MENGHIDUPKAN watak nabi. Tak boleh salahkan yang last tu kut sebab yang buat video ni pun non-muslim.

Dan dibalas semula dengan fakta oleh video di bawah.

Responsi yang bernas dan berfakta, serta tidak bemain emosi. Lagipun, Jesus VS Muhammad bukan tajuk yang sesuai sangat untuk isi video yang kedua. Because?

Peace be upon THEM BOTH~~

p.s: mengata orang gua yang lebih ke?

May 13, 2013

Lumba Lari Dengan Cahaya (?)

I've got time to think of the beauty of a thousand variations
Of the beating of a wing
Of a hummingbird suspended in the aspic of the world
Moving slower than molasses
As i'm off to catch the girl
Who is falling off the bridge

And I'm there before she knows it
I'll be gone before she sees me
Got my hand around her waste
I pull her back to safety
By the time she knows what happens
There will be someone else who needs me
Because time keeps dragging on

And on, And on
Time keeps dragging on

I've got time to think about my past as I dodge
Between the bullets how my life was so exciting
Before I got this way and how long ago it was
Now I never can explain by the clock that's
on the Tower or the one that's in my brain

And I'm there before you know it
I'll be gone before you see me
And I'd like to get to know you
But you're talking much too slowly
And I know you'd really like me
But I never stick around
Because time keeps dragging on
And on

And you say the world goes rushing by
But it seems so slow to me
And you see a blur around you fly
But it takes too long
It seems so slow to me

How I wish I'd never gone into my lab to
Experiment that night before lightning flashed Around me
And time changed speed
Now I have to try to be so patient and wait for Calamity to strike
Because when things change in an instant
It's almost fast enough for me

And I'll be there before you know it
I'll be gone before you see me
And do you think you can imagine
Anything so lonely
And I know you'd really like me
But I never stick around
Because time keeps dragging on
And on...

And you say the world goes rushing by
But it seems so slow to me
And you complain I'm gone before you blink your eye
But it takes too long
It seems so slow

And you say the world goes rushing by
But it seems so slow to me
And I want to be there when you laugh or cry
But it takes too long
It seems so slow to me


This songs is depressing, but somehow makes me want to be depressed. Korang boleh paham la kut kalau baca komen ni: